Dear Prime Minister,
We, the British public, hereby write to express our collective vote of no confidence in your government.
After 14 years of Tory chaos, enough is enough.
Poll after poll shows there is no confidence in you or this government.
We, therefore, demand a General Election NOW. It’s crucial to let us take back control and determine the future of our nation.
Yours sincerely,
The People of The UK

P.S. We’d also like our democracy upgraded so our votes actually count, and we can vote with our values in future.
- Carol
Vorderman - Marina
Purkiss - Femi
Oluwole - Josh
Make us a
million strong
Join these signatories and more.
We’ll deliver this message to No. 10
Our country is in crisis,
and we need change.
A general election NOW.
A new government.
…and Proportional Representation
to upgrade our democracy.
Join us and use it.
A movement voting together for change
Only 29% of registered voters
chose this government.
We’ll vote tactically to remove them.
We’ll stick together voting
for bold common sense policies
our country needs to thrive.
(Like Proportional Representation)
Make sure to Opt-in to updates
to join this voting movement.
No more
chaos & crisis
When we could
be thriving.
Join these signatories
and more.
Let’s make it a million.
Opt-in for updates
Join the movement using our combined voting power for change.
Fight the election
Mobilise the nation, make sure the country knows YOU made change happen.
Next? Keep going
A large coordinated voting movement is hard for the next government to ignore.