For the UK to thrive
we need to:

  • Upgrade Our Democracy
  • End The Corruption
  • Protect And Improve Our Public Services
  • Start A Green Economic Revolution
  • Create A Brand New Social Contract

Let’s fix it.

Join The Movement Forward

What’s the plan?


A community that votes together
Tactical Voting for Proportional Representation.

1. Win The Election

  • Tactical Voting Goes Mainstream

Together we mobilise the nation with this call-to-action for a new government. Tactical Voting at an industrial scale.

2. Stick Together

  • Drown out the Right wing

Tell a new government we showed up for Proportional Representation. We’ll use our votes for change.

3. Own The Future

  • Policies For A Thriving Country

When our votes really count in elections, our communities, and our causes finally get a seat at the table. This is the goal.





Spread the word about tactical voting, and how powerful our votes can be if we coordinate and stick together.

A Future Vision For A Thriving Britain

Proportional Representation and other constitutional reforms to empower us as citizens and protect our human rights, keeping out the corruptions that undermine our society’s freedoms and potential.

Restore trust in those we elect, combat conflicts of interest, and stop taxes ending up in the wrong hands. True independent media regulation, safeguarding free expression and plurality of ownership.

Keep The NHS and our other services and resources out of for-profit private ownership. Keep them world class, treating them as investments in society that benefit us all individually and collectively.

Through investment in jobs, education, infrastructure, rewilding, and divestment from fossil fuels, turn Britain into a leader in fighting climate change, and modernise our economy at the same time.

True opportunities for people and society to thrive. Fair progressive taxation, real wages for work done, a universal basic income, quality guaranteed housing, and higher education for all.

Proportional representation brings government closer to who we are as a country, and means bold popular policies for our future are possible.

  • And these are just the first of many modern ideas for a thriving society.



You’re in good company

If you’d like to be a supporter, get in touch.

Tactical Voting Works

  • But don’t take our word for it!

Even the Daily Mail knows tactical voting is a great way to achieve an outcome and get a cause on the agenda of the nation.

*For clarity, The Movement Forward isn’t a Daily Mail or Conservative project!

June 2017


If we vote smart around the UK.

We can turn this.

Into this.


If we vote smart
around the UK.

We can turn this,
into this.


We are living in /crisis, let’s fix it.

Build movements.

Vote with your values,

but vote strategically.

Voting isn’t a Valentine.

It’s a chess move.

Rebecca Solnit

Author, Hope In The Dark



Show your support for
Proportional Representation
where it’s hard to miss.